Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kale Salad (Kaleslaw)

This is a simple and delicious way to get kale in your diet. Kale by nature is bitter but this salad is delicious and very palatable.
Unlike romaine or lettuce, this salad stays fresh for 2-3 days without withering. 
All measurements are customizable to your preference but here is what I did:

1. 1 bunch of Italian Kale (Trader Joe's has easy-to-use packaged kale). Wash thoroughly (esp if non-organic). Shred.
2. Add 1 julienned apple. I prefer fuji for their crispness.
3. 1 cup grated parmesan
4. 3-4 TBSP of EVOO (Extra virgin olive oil)
5. In addition to the EVOO, I added about 4 TBSP of Feast from the East Sesame Dressing, which you can purchase from Costco. You can make your own too.
6. 1 zest of lemon. Be sure to wash the lemon though. Using a vegetable peeler, lightly shave off the very outermost layer of the lemon: the yellow skin. The white part will be bitter so try to avoid that.
7. Squeeze in about half the lemon or less. Test it out little by little to avoid too much sourness. First time I made the salad, I ended up adding in a second bunch of Kale because it was way too sour.
8. (Optional) Sunflower kernels add a nice touch.

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